Monday 6 June 2011

Can people like me have it all?

Something happened today that has stirred up a few feelings and made me quite angry to be honest.

Its quite complicated how I’m feeling in my head so I may ramble on a little but I feel as if I need to get it all out to make it seem clearer and so I’m able to park it and move on.

I am not going to tell you the situation and who it concerns because that would not be fair to them and to be honest that’s not the point of writing this post to "name and shame".

Concerning a company that is high end.....

Did not return my of emails over the last few weeks until I went thou another channel to reach them, then I got a reply within 20 minuties.
A reply which I feel to be offhand, very vague and not answering the points I raised.

If I was a multi millionaire or Lady Far Quar would this person have replied to me instantly? Would they have found the answer to my question that same moment? Would it have needed two emails and a another way to get a reply?

Why ignore me? Do they think I can not afford such luxuries that I am wasting there time? Or maybe that I don’t fit their image, perhaps?

I think it’s maybe the first of the two. which makes me beg to ask the question, Are people like me allowed to have high end items? Or should I put up with my lot and stop looking above my station?

Northern working class views tend to be, you are what you are given. If you are born working class and into a blue collar family, that is what you stay. There is not much social movement and if you do have visions of going to university or to move on the career ladder and do well for yourself then you can be deemed as a dreamer or a snob even. (Because my husband has done alright for himself and went to uni, oh and is from London and talks correct, my Mother thinks he is a snob and that he thinks he is too good for the likes of her and far better then her).

For the first 23 years of my life I have had this drummed into my head, then I met Clive. (Of course he is from a middle class family, both his parents went to public school and Clive and his sister waned for nothing. Living in a lovely big house in Surrey. First cars brought them when they learnt to drive. Deposits given to buy their first house ect. ect). But he showed me you can want nice things and get them if you work hard for them. No place. No object, no experience is out of question if you have the money to pay for it. Of course money doesn’t come easy to all but if you work hard and have a goal insight you can achieve and obtain anything,

Well that’s what I thought but today’s incident as knocked that confidence out of me.

But of course, its me we are talking about… fall over, get up, dust off, start again.

Well it’s been left that I will be in touch when I am ready to move forward...And I will be moving forward, I will get this and become a very, very good client.  And my money will be the same colour as everyone else’s, only mine will have blood, sweat and tears on it.

But the worst thing is, I really expected more from them...thats what really hurts.

This post is of my own views ans is taken from an original piece of writing I have decided not to publish in full.

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey I'm sorry you've been unfairly treated. Its true what they say though, "Its not what you know, but who you know" name dropping has always been about and will never change the snobbery of society. You're right at the end of the day, money is money no matter how it is obtained. Those of us that work hard for it appreciate everything in the long run, and have higher principals and morals for it! Keep up with all the hard work, it will pay off in the long run my friend x
