Tuesday 12 April 2011

99, 100...........Motivation, coming ready or not!!!!!!!

When I started my diet (or as the experts call it healthy eating plan) I had three golden rules that I was going to stick to at all costs.

1 To write everything I ate in a diary, however bad it was, everything was to go down, and I mean

2 I was going to update my blog weekly, write down my thoughts and feelings, however difficult they maybe.

3 Weigh myself Monday and Thursday, without fail. No matter how naughty I had been that week.

Number 2, went out of the window quite early on. I just could not find the time to write a blog every week. Silly I know as it takes a matter of seconds to say... Hard week this week, must try harder.

But numbers 1 and 3 were always done, without fail. The only exception was when I was in the states and I knew I was going to eat like a pig and there was no access to weighing scales.

Until recently that is, my diary as not been completed for weeks and I have not bothered weighing myself regularly as I know what the scales will say, hence the fact I have put on half a stone in a matter of weeks.

I feel fat, depressed, my clothes are getting tight. I'm bloated and miserable and of cause this leads to eating more so it’s a very viscous circle.

Every Monday is a "my diet starts today" and by the afternoon I am craving crisps. One day I even ate all of the babies pick a mix. I was like a women possessed and I didn’t even eat many sweets before I lost my weight. I was more a crisp gal.

Where has my motivation gone I can hear all 9 of you ask, well that is a long story and when I have got it straight in my own head I will let you know, but it all steams from my visit to Jasper Conran and the disappointing news of look 23, the dress of my dreams and what has kept me going though all these months.

Whatever happens I need to find my motivation, because I am blowed if I am going to see that 15 back on those scales and that will happen sooner rather then later if I am not careful.



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